It is very clear to me that because this study was done on mice, using 30-40-50 Hertz frequencies using sound, pulsed LED light and weak coils
driving the sound, humans would need a stronger system utilizing the same scientific apparatus technology, thus using LED light, Sound and larger
magnetic coils, at these frequencies to much higher quality results for human cognitive illnesses named in the study!
Mice are used because their DNA is similar to humans. The fact that this study was published world wide opens technologists to producing systems
to benefit people with these illnesses! I recommend using 2 of my coils with headphones and 2 of my pulsed LED light sets with amplifier!
I will use 3 frequency programs for a much more comprehensive treatment for the gamma part of the human brain!
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EMF - Scalar - Tachyon - Tesla - Rife Compatible - Sacred Geometry - Precious metal - Lab Grown Gems - Proprietary Harmonic Frequency
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