Make Contact
Instructions - You can use this daily as a meditation tool. On World Activation days, do this technique at the given World Times for a synchronized
World Consciousness Activation!
Sit comfortably in any meditation pose upright or in a nice chair or sofa and close your eyes
Use headphones for best results
With each sound make a vowel sound that matches the pitch you hear so your sound merges with the tones A, AHH, E, EEEE, I O Oh U Uuuu
Notice our vowels make higher pitches as we go from A to U - Use the right vowel for the pitch you hear.
Feel yourself floating in pure peace and infinite awareness!
Enjoy the peace and the activation
Earth to Pleiades Contact
Black Friday
There are 4 files in a Zip folder. If you have an older device. You will need to download to a computer and then sync to your phone.